Deadline for Public Comment on DTSC Site Characterization and Draft Removal Action Workplan
Please write an email to:
Demand that DTSC must not approve the developer’s plans until DTSC investigates Avenue 34’s history as a toxic dump. This information is not included in any of the environmental reviews. DTSC must create a Human Health Risk Assessment, and must determine the risks to the surrounding neighborhood, including homes, workplaces, and Hillside Elementary School.
Link to DTSC’s workplan is here: EnviroStor - Ave 34
Public Meeting - Department of Toxic Substance Control
DTSC will host a public meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, December 1 at 6:00 pm.
Meeting ID: 845 3876 1340
Passcode: 123456
Join by phone: (669) 900-6833
Spanish and Chinese interpretation provided
Please come and call for a full investigation of the toxic waste’s risks to the surrounding community, and a better cleanup plan that doesn’t leave so much contamination in the soil, where it can continue to be a danger to us!
Public Appeal Hearing
On October 8, the Los Angeles City Planning Commission will hear an appeal against this project. It will be held on Zoom. Sign up below and we will send you the Zoom link. Anyone who wants will be given 1 minute to speak. Your voice can make a difference! Please log in to this meeting to help protect our community!